
This database of Cairn Terrier pedigrees was conceived and built by several contributors.

The database is based on information collected from genealogical tables, studbooks, yearbooks, show catalogues, and information submitted by individual owners and breeders. It is meant as a helping tool for the owner, breeder and others with interest in searching pedigrees. This is not a complete database, instead it is a work in progress.

There may be some errors in the database. We, as owners of the database, will not be responsible for errors or incorrect submissions; but, if these are brought to our attention, we will take immediate action to remedy them. Please e-mail corrections to Kevin Durkin .

Maintaining this database is a big responsibility, one that is very time consuming. We ask for your understanding and patience when encountering errors or slow updates.

Do not link !!

Do not link directly to this database, because the next time weupdate, your link will be WRONG! USE the Pedigree w/o links version, save it to your hard disk, and place it on your homepage.

If you do use pedigrees generated by this site on your homepage,
we expect a link BACK to the Cairn Terrier Pedigree Database.

The database is made in Breedmate software, and all dogs have
been typed in or imported from text lists supplied by many.
The power behind the database is provided by www.pawpeds.com

Cairn friends who started and maintain this project:

Brad LaBroad - Robinsend Cairn, for figuring out how to go online, host the actual database, and publish the updates.

Jerrie Wolfe - Rose Croft Cairns, for sending most of the US information.

Taru Rannikko, Kennel Prankster, Finland, for typing in HUGE amounts of data on dogs from Finland and Sweden.

And us...

Berit Rosenfeldt, Lachleen Cairns, and Kevin Durkin, Greatscot Cairns, for maintaining the Database.

Thank you for adding your dogs to the database!!!

To help others find the current database,
please use this banner to link to the home page:
